Impact Farming

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Invest in income-producing alternative assets

Choose from a variety of sustainable assets.
Download the Fedgroup App and grow your side hustle today.

We Farm
You Earn
Hassle Free

How many assets should I invest in?

Download the Fedgroup App. Choose from a selection of sustainable farming and green energy assets including moringa trees, blueberry bushes, macadamia trees, solar panels and more. Or navigate to the bundles tab on the App to invest in a mixed bundle of assets. How much you invest is up to you.

Invest in minutes, not months.

Pick a venture

Configure your order

Pay with EFT or debit order, or your Fedgroup Wallet

Do I need to do anything else?

Once you have made your investment, sit back and relax. We install or plant them on our approved farms. Along with your fellow Impact Farmers, you can rest assured your assets are being cared for by experienced commercial farmers.

So when do I start earning?

Your assets produce a harvest: blueberries, moringa leaves, lettuce leaves, macadamia nuts, pistachios, honey or electricity. We sell it to our contracted customers on your behalf, collect the money and pay you your share. Blueberries, moringa leaves and honey are harvested up to twice a year so you will receive your income twice a year.

Solar electricity is generated monthly year-round so you will receive your income from that asset monthly. Lettuce leaves also provide a monthly income as they are harvested up to 12 times a year. Macadamia nuts and pistachios are harvested once a year.
There may be a delay of up to a few weeks between when you invest your asset and when it is installed on a commercial farm and starts to produce an income for you.

How are returns calculated and when do I get my capital back?

The capital you invest is used to fund the assets that will generate an income for you over the investment term. The income you receive from your investment is based on the harvest of your asset. The harvest offtake is sold to contracted partners and once we receive payment from these partners, we pay you your share. This income starts out low and, as your asset matures and produces larger harvests, ramps up over time.

Unlike more traditional investment offerings, you do not have to wait to receive your capital back at the end of the investment term. Even better, the capital is paid back incrementally over the full investment term. Each income payment you receive includes a portion of the capital as well as the profit generated by the sale of the asset’s harvest. This is how we calculate the projected average annual profit over the investment term for each of the assets.

How we measure impact

Fedgroup carefully selects our Impact Farming ventures for both the financial impact on your wealth creation, and the positive economic, social and environmental impact on the world. This means we consider factors such as farms that use water wisely, how many jobs are created and that the supply chain is ethical.

Benefits of investing in Impact Farming assets

Designed to modernise the way you earn money:

Low barrier to entry

Start with as little as R500

Invest in Real Assets

Alternative assets over stocks.

Save The Environment

Invest in sustainable income generation.

No Waiting

Invest in under 10 min.

Passive Income

Payments made in line with harvests

No Red Tape

Register and complete your transactions online.

Compound Your Returns

Reinvest your profits or cash out.

No Experience Required

Let pro farmers keep your venture thriving.

Invest in income-producing alternative assets.

Fedgroup. We Farm. You Earn. Hassle Free.

Download the Fedgroup App today and grow your side hustle.
